Wedding Caterers in Skelmersdale, Lancashire
If you want your wedding to go with a real swing make sure you serve hungry guests with a scrumptious wedding breakfast, banquet or dinner by getting in the professional wedding caterers in Skelmersdale. Choose from traditonal three course meals, buffets and unusual global cuisine, or even choose your own theme and create a truly outstanding experience suppliers of Wedding Catering are here to give a helping hand. Use these contacts for Skelmersdale Wedding Caterers to find the information you need.
Carrington Catering Ltd
All Hallows Kitchen, Skelmersdale, WN8 0QF 01695 632227
2 U Food Ltd
Signal House, Pilling Place, Skelmersdale, WN8 9PF 01695 735666
Hands Free Catering Ltd
Unit 16-17 Hope Enterprise Centre, Scot Lane, Wigan, WN5 0PN 01942 768807