Pet Shops in Haringey, London
From tiny goldfish to hamsters and all the trimmings, when it comes to picking a pet shop in Haringey we´ve got it covered. Buy all the supplies and small animals you could ever wish for right here in the Cityvisitor database of pet outlets. From rats, mice and stick insects which are interesting first pets for children, to exotic animals such as lizards, spiders and snakes, you´re sure to find something that will fit in with your lifestyle. Find out more here including Pet Accessories, Pet Store. Your Haringey city-visitor guide to Pet Shops will help you decide where to go for Pet Shops locally.
Broadway Pet Stores
6-8 Muswell Hill Broadway, London, N10 3RT 020 88833200
Spoilt Pets
11 Onslow Parade, Hampden Square, London, N14 5JN 020 83686662
London Pet & Garden Centre
11 The Market Square, London, N9 0TZ 020 88039995